Botulinum Toxin Injection 

Botulinum toxin injection is the most common and popular cosmetic medical treatment in the United States.  There are many different branded versions of botulinum toxin including Botox®, Xeomin®, and Dysport®.  When botulinum toxin is injected, it temporarily relaxes the muscles under the skin that cause the creation and deepening of wrinkles in various parts of the face.  The most common places for cosmetic botulinum toxin injection include the forehead, glabella (tissues between the eyebrows – the “11” lines), the crow’s feet in the outside corners of the eyelids, the lines around the lips and mouth, and the tissues around the eye brows.  Botulinum toxin typically takes 2-7 days to reach its maximum effect after injection. It typically lasts for around three months in most patients, although there is variability in length of action depending on the tissue injected and a patient’s response to the medication.  The injection pattern and amount of toxin injected is tailored to each specific patient to help achieve and maintain their aesthetic goals.  At Moyes Eye Center Dr. Chappell performs all of the botulinum toxin injections personally.  Dr. Chappell will discuss the advantages, disadvantages, risks, and benefits of these treatments during your consultation.  

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